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Like Kendrick Lamar, I’m all for being Humble. THAT BEING SAID, when it comes to Nachos, I take more of a Khalid approach because nothing tastes Better than MY nachos. I’m literally famous for them (well, famous amongst my family members and my friends). But still. I want to share my #nachosecrets with you. This post was hard for me because now everyone’s gonna know how I do them, but alas, I can no longer deprive the world of my famous nacho tricks. It just wouldn’t be fair.

Now, not to ramble on, as I’m sure you want to get straight into how you make them, but I need to clarify that the secret to GREAT nachos is how you layer them. Also, we actually find that they come out better with store bought salsa in a jar, NOT fresh homemade salsa - as this makes the nachos soggy, with is a NACHO NIGHTMARE. Below, we will detail how to achieve the perfect bowl of nachos with both store bought salsa AND homemade if you wanna take that risk. But don’t say we didn’t warn you.

Ingredients for Salsa:

1 x half packet of passata (you will need approx 250g)

1 x tablespoon of garlic powder

1 x pinch of salt

1 x pinch of pepper

1 x half an onion

1 x half a lime

1 x squeeze of honey

1 x tablespoon of Tabasco

    Method for Salsa:

    1. Chop half an onion into very small pieces.

    2. Pour out the passata into a bowl and mix in the garlic powder, the salt, the pepper and the onion.

    3. Squeeze the juice of half a lime into the mix, carefully ensuring that you catch all of the pips.

    4. Do a quick taste test and add a squeeze of honey (to ensure that it has a little sweetness) and stir.

    5. You may also add Tabasco for extra heat.


    1. Pre-heat your oven to 170 degrees.

    1. In an ovenproof dish, spread out an even layer of tortilla chips ensuring that the bottom of the dish cannot be seen but no nachos are on top of each other (if you want to be super meticulous you can lay them out one by one - trust me it’ll be worth it).

    1. Take your salsa (which ever you’ve decided to use) and add a drop of salsa to every tortilla chip.

    1. Take your guacamole and add a drop to EVERY OTHER tortilla chip.

    1. Take your cheese and generously sprinkle over the entire layer.

    1. Take your jalapeños and scatter over the cheese according to how spicy you want it to be (optional).

    1. Repeat until you’ve finished the packet of tortilla chips.

    1. Bake for 22 minutes and let them cool down before eating (the dish will be VERY HOT so be careful!).

    It may sound crazy to be so meticulous when it comes to layering out the tortilla chips evenly, but that’s how perfect nachos are made. Also, the reason why there’s no sour cream in this recipe is because the homemade guacamole that we make is SUPER creamy & flavourful thanks to the yogurt & the garlic. These nachos really are so good and we hope you enjoy them as much as we do!