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Usual me would post a meme and hope for the best. Pre-Corona me. But now, it’s getting pretty serious and I can’t help but panic. This is where the mindfulness should be kicking in. You know, all those yoga classes I’ve attended that I now can’t go to, as I sit at home in self-isolation riddled with worry. Worry for my mother who isn’t allowed to leave Spain, worry for my grandparents on the other side of the world in Indonesia, worry for our very own employee, Ember, who is 5 months pregnant and is in total isolation. The scariest part of this is how very real it is. 

Since we started this brand 5 years ago, we’ve been through many highs and many lows, but we’ve never experienced anything quite like this. And the question on my mind, perhaps a trivial one to some, is what a small business is supposed to do in order to survive this. We are simply a 5 person team, totally self-funded, with no fancy investors to cushion this fall. We’re getting messages left, right and centre from our industry peers about what to do right now. The scariest words almost never used in regular conversation have become common say, words such as: production cancellations, lay-offs, store closures and so many more. For us, one thing is for sure: we remain totally committed to our employees during this time, without whom we’d be nothing. Because more than anything, we have realised the importance of standing together. It is the hard times that define the integrity of any business and so we are taking each day as it comes with compassion and resilience. 

As I sit here working from my kitchen table thinking about what we can do to keep ourselves and our business safe, I must say that I am so very grateful for our online community. Keeping up with you all on Instagram has been the silver lining of this very dark cloud with the exchange of information about how to stay safe & sane during this crazy time. The pictures you have shared with us wearing your IA at home has been the light in our gloomy days and we personally want to thank you and encourage you to keep sharing this positivity. It is what’s keeping us going. 

Please know that we’re thinking of you and what we can do to make your working-from-home
experience a little more joyful and a little more comfortable. If nothing else, we hope that this new section of our website sparks a little more joy into this new normal that we are cultivating. Here, you will find book recommendations to fill your soul, recipes to nourish your bodies, kid’s activity ideas for all the Mamas who need some inspo and of course our beloved Sisters In The City travel guides. The purpose of this new section is to strengthen the bond amongst our online community so, together, we don't just survive this time but we thrive through it.

Sending you a virtual hug through this digital universe,

Karishma, Roshni & Deeya